Message from: Broomwood Primary School
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Thursday 30th: Bronze spelling test


Tuesday 6th: Silver spelling test

Friday 9th: Break up for half term holidays

Monday 19th: Inset day (staff only)

Tuesday 20th: Return to school

Tuesday 20th: Gold spelling test

Tuesday 27th: Platinum spelling test


Friday 1st March: Diamond spelling test (Theme is Flora and Fauna)

Please note ALL events are subject to change

School term dates: Term dates for 2023 - 2024

Keep up to date on what's going on in school via Twitter and our Web page

Attendance Award Assembly

Congratulations to all our children who received their Bronze attendance badge for 100% attendance for the first term, September - December 2023. Well done.

Thanush Rec EH

India Rec HBL

Jaxon Rec HBL

Emma Rec HBL

Adela Y1 BS

Sam Y1 BS

Isaac Y1 BS

Jaxon Y1 BS

Jake Y1 BS

Harry Y1 BS

Noah Y1 BS

Lewis Y1 BS

Eric Y1 BS

Maryam Y1 JW

Mahnoor Y1 JW

Bella Y1 JW

Oliver Y1 JW

Deepthikaa Y2 BC

Sorcha Y2 BC

Belle Y2 BC

Xander Y2 BC

Osher-Zane Y2 BC

Hattie Y2 BC

Freddie Y2 DR

Moses Y2 DR

Chinwanneotuonye Y2 DR

Aniyah Y2 DR

Ayla Y2 DR

Tommy Y2 DR

Daisy Blue Y3 FR

Dale Y3 FR

Taniyah Y3 FR

Chloe Y3 FR

Maddox Y3 FR

Marli Y3 FR

Ibrahim Y3 SW

Horace Y3 SW

Jaxon Y3 SW

Emily Y3 SW

Jupiter Y3 SW

Marley Y3 SW

Maryam Y3 SW

Grace Y4 EC

Mila Y4 EC

Rueben Y4 EC

Oliver Y4 EC

Hannah Y4 EC

Lily Y4 EC

Liam Y4 EC

Barney Y4 EC

Eddy Y4 EC

Ayman Y4 SM

Millie Y4 SM

Oscar Y4 SM

Jamie Y4 SM

Dylan Y4 SM

James Y4 SM

Charlotte Y5 JR

Paz Y5 JR

Liam Y5 JR

Sapphire Y5 JR

Ibrahim Y5 JR

Joseph Y5 JR

Jackson Y5 JR

Freya Y5 JR

Ryan Y5 PM

Sydney-Mae Y5 PM

Jamie Y5 PM

Moses Y5 PM

Ariya Y5 PM

Anton Y5 PM

Isham Y5 PM

Max Y5 PM

Harris Y5 PM

Sienna Mae Y5 PM

Oliver Y5 PM

Oliver Y6 JC

Isabella Y6 JC

Charlie-Jay Y6 JC

Riley Y6 JC

Jason Y6 JC

Isobelle Y6 JC

Christabel Y6 JC

Sammy Jo Y6 JC

Tiffany Y6 JC

Connor Y6 JC

Alireza Y6 LW

Nico Y6 LW

Darwin Y6 LW

Edwin Y6 LW

Isabelle Y6 LW

Judith Y6 LW

Maxwell Y6 LW

Melissa Y6 LW

Amelia Y6 LW

Harvey Y6 OR

Sun Y6 OR

Leland Y6 OR

Isaaca Y6 OR

Raha Y6 OR

Aron Y6 OR

Congratulation to all our newly elected School Ambassadors who will be giving all the children a voice in school. All the ambassadors were voted for by their class:

Year 1JW Oliver 

Year 1BS  Ava 

Year 2DR Molly 

Year 2BC  Summer 

Year 3FR Luke 

Year 3SW Kenny 

Year 4SM Avni

Year 4EC Corey 

Year 5PM Aamina 

Year 5JR Simrah 

Year 6LW Anusheel 

Year 6JC Sammy Jo 

Year 6OR Navsaaz 

Stars of the Week

Our Amazing Stars of the week for W/C 8th January are:

Pre-School:             Ruby

Nursery:                  Ameer

Reception EH:        Jahaziel

Reception HBL:     Abdullah

Year 1 JW:              Bella

Year 1 BS:              Primrose

Year 2 BC:              Belle / Zainab

Year 2 DR:             Naqaash

Year 3 FR:             Daisy

Year 3 SW:           Abbie

Year 4 EC:            Oliver / Reuben

Year 4 SM:           Jamie

Year 5 JR:             Sonny

Year 5 PM:          Hadya

Year 6 LW:          Kaima

Year 6 JC:           CJ

Year 6 OR:        Harchika

Attendance for W/C 8th January

Well done to Y6OR for getting the highest attendance for this week and winning the Be There Bear.

Reception EH -  97.6%

Reception HBL -  94.7%

Year 1 JW -          91.8%

Year 1 BS -          92.4%

Year 2 DR -          97.3%

Year 2 BC -          96.4%

Year 3 SW -        95.4%

Year 3 FR -          97.5%

Year 4 SM -         92.2%

Year 4 EC -         93.4%

Year 5 PM -        94.1%

Year 5 JR -         97.7%

Year 6 JC -         92.3%

Year 6 LW -       93.7%

Year 6 OR -       98.1%

Overall School Attendance: 95%

The class that has the highest attendance each week, wins the Attendance bear. The class that has won the attendance bear the most at the end of the year will receive a special treat.

Please always contact school before 9am to report a child's absence. Children need to be in school by 8.45am.

This week's TT Rock stars hall of fame winners are:

Adhya Y3FR

Aniya Y2DR

Craig Y5PM

Daniel Y6LW

Horace Y3SW

Jamie Y4SM

Leland Y6OR

Liam Y5JR

Liam Y4EC

Riley Y6JC

Rina Y2BC

This week's Numbots Winners hall of fame winners are:

Jessica Y1JW

Laurence Y1JW

Harry Y1BS

Maryam Y1BS

Noah Y1BS

Oliver Y1JW

Laurence Y1JW

Well done everyone.

The best class for TTRS this week has been joint between Y3SW.

Please encourage your child/ren to go onto TTRockstars for a least 10 minutes a day.


Who will receive one of our Broomwood Primary School Postcards this week.

Keep an eye out for the post, it could be you this week!

Nursery and Pre-school places for September 2024

If you require a Pre-school (2 years olds) or Nursery (3-4year olds) place for September 2024 or know of anyone who does, please complete an application form which are available from the school office. There is also lots more information on Pre-school and Nursery on our website.

Spaces are already filling up fast for September so don't delay.

School Dinners

School dinners are £2.50.

Children in full time Nursery and KS2 (Year 3, 4, 5 and 6) are required to pay for lunches (unless you are on free school meals), but lunches for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are free.

If you would like your child to go onto school dinners now that weather is getting colder, please contact the school office. We do require a week's notice in writing to change onto school dinners or packed lunches. If we do not receive the change in writing you will still be charged for dinners.